3rd route: Collio hills: Corno di Rosazzo, Ruttars, Medana, Cormòns, Medea



Length: 53,26 km
Estimated Time: 2 hours 15 minutes (excluding stops)

Type: Road (difference in altitude 388 m)

Historical places: Rosazzo, Ruttars, Medana, Cormòns, Medea

Cross the bridge over the Torre river in Nogaredo to reach San Giovanni al Natisone and the ancient Abbey of Corno di Rosazzo. Continue onto the Collio hills with their fine vineyards, where cosy cellars and typical restaurants abound. You will pass the border with Slovenia until Castel Dobra and return to Cormòns, a lush town with villages that recall the architecture of the Habsburg Empire.

Don't miss the view of the town from Monte Quarin and a visit to the headquarters of the Cormòns Wine Consortium, where a wine called "Vino della Pace" ("Wine of Peace") is produced from local grapes. Every year a bottle of this fine wine is sent to all the leaders of the countries of the world.
After the church of Medea you begin the climb to the hill, which leads to the imposing monument to peace. From this square, the view sweeps over the entire eastern plain of Friuli.